Yay!!! That bush in our back yard was a lilac bush this whole time, only I didn't know it. I am so excited because I grew up with tons of lilacs in our backyard, and they are some of my favorite flowers. I was so excited that I was skipping around the house like a little girl. (Just ask Trav.) And I put this together for our table...

Aww....fresh flowers. A scarcity in our home.

I have been working very hard, and you can tell because most of these rocks...

used to be here, and not on the top either. No! They were all mixed in, and I sat in the dirt on my bottom sifting through each section of dirt and removing the rocks. Then I had some more dirt brought in from my friends house that I added. Finally I transplanted my basil and cilantro and planted some oregano, parsley, and spinich. I am waiting for some bell and jalepeno pepper plants to sprout too. I know. It is just a mini-garden, but it was all I could do.

Sorry the picture is sideways. It is really annoying, but I did not want to upload it again. This is my lettuce and my tomato plants with a geranium.
Ta Da!!!! My garden. I will keep you updated.
First of all, Russell is such a cutie! My girls love to play with Desitin as well--drives me nuts! Second, I LOVE lilacs as well! Your garden is awesome. I wanted to plant more this year, but since we are moving and I'm prego I decided not to waste my money. I did get two tomato plants and some basil. Have fun!
P.S. Those shoes are SEXY!
Great job on your gardening! I am jealous you have so much space to grow vegetables.
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