These are my petunias.

And these are my pansies. Don't you love the duo of colors on the pansies!!

This is the wreath that I made...okay...I bought at Jo-Ann's. It is pretty funny because I had an autumn wreath hanging up until just the other day, and people (ahem, Kathy and Travis) kept making fun of me because autumn was over. So I just had to get a new one. When Travis got home from school, the first thing out of his mouth was, "I see you went shopping." Ha! Ha! That's what he gets for making me feel embarrassed and pressured to keep up with the seasons!! I hope you learned your lesson, Trav. (Actually, I hope he didn't. It was a great excuse!)

We went to a family fun center. Russell was so excited to go in the bumper boats, until it was actually time to get in them.

Russell's creepy bunny mask.

I love that cheesy grin!!

Coloring Easter eggs with Dad.

He got the motherload!

Notice how he is soothing himself with his thumb. He was a little nervous about the large, creepy bunny. He only gave him a hug for the candy. He'll do whatever he needs to do to get some candy.

What a cutie!!

We went on a little hike a week or so ago. It was just about 30 minutes from our apartment. This is Russell and I having a little snack.

I love this picture of my two sweet boys!!
it is funny the things we say or think or rebel against as kids i once told my mom that i when i had my own house i would never have any books in it. i hated reading as a child and i love reading now don't tell my mom jk
Good job Ash! You maka mea so prouda you!
Yay, I love gardening! I'm glad you like it too!
How's the diet going? You should make some cookies...
Hi Ashley,
Found your blog by accident and started reading... what a fun writer you are!
Glad your mom instilled some gardening sense in you at a young age. I, myself, have two black thumbs, but things are looking up... My herb garden is thriving, so that's something, right?
Anyway, looking forward to following your blog. Keep up the good work.
Three things: 1. I LOVE your wreath, in fact I have the same one! :) haha Good taste Ash! 2. I am SO impressed you are doing gardening, I don't mind it I just keep putting it off because I don't have a yard. 3. I just read your last post and I was DYING!!! I would have had a few choice words!!! GRRRRR I still can't even believe it! BLAH Anyway, good work!
Wow!!! You guys have been very busy. Ashley the flowers and garden is going to make your apartmnt into a home. I know that you are excited that spring and summer is on its way.
It looks like you had an exciting Easter. Isn't it fun when Russell is able to interact and be a participant?
Thanks so much for your blog and for keeping us up to date with what is happening in your family. Take care.
We love you
Mom/Jolene, Dad/Bob and Hayley
Fun Pictures Ashley. I really like seeing what you guys are doing. Keep having fun! I am working on planting some flowers and veggies in our front yard too. :)
Ash, have you read any books by James Patterson? He's a mystery/thriller writer. I just read First To Die and before that read Honeymoon. They were both kinda raunchy! The author is a multiple New York Times bestseller so I thought they'd be pretty good. He's a good writer but I hate the sex scenes/innuendo stuff. I just wanted to know your opinion on the author.
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