So here are some pictures for a quick comparison.

Here I am on my due date with Russell.

Here I am a week and a half before my due date with baby girl. (Name not yet revealed.)
So which Ashley is bigger? It is probably kind of hard to tell, especially since one of the photos is taken at a closer angle. Let me know what you think. I won't be offended...promise.
I actually felt like my stomach was bigger with Russell. But I also feel like this little girl takes up more space in my stomach than Russ did, so I think that she will be at least a little bigger than him. I guess we shall see...
Anyway...we have been very busy prepping for baby girl. Here are some things that I have sewn on my sweet sewing machine.

The purple and brown squares are courderoy, and the printed squares are cotton. I love it! I copied a cute quilt that my sister-in-law made for Russ only with girly prints and colors.
The other blanket is just a little flannel bundling blanket, but I just loved the little piggies in the print. Aren't they sooooo cute!! I made a bunch of matching burp rags too!
JUST WAIT until you see what else we are working on!!! Travis is making the most beautiful bassinet for our little girl. He has been working so hard on it that sometimes he can't sleep at night because he sits up and thinks about it and how he is going to make it just perfect. It is ALMOST finished. I am also putting my new sewing talents to work making a bumper pad and sheets for it. Can't wait to post pics. Soon people, soon!
Anyway. I'm sure you will be updated fairly soon, cuz I could go into labor at any time now. Hopefully I will. This kid is soooooooo wiggly. She is a painful one to carry. Can't wait to meet her! Russ is dying to meet her too. He keeps dressing up his stuffed animals in her clothes and dragging them around the house pretending it is her. He's probably starting to think that I've been lying this whole time and she's never really coming out!!
Anyway...stay tuned!