When we moved here, I definately did not think that Russ was chubby at all, and he wasn't really compared to a lot of other kids his age, but just look at him now!

Doesn't he look like a little boy now instead of an infant? He has thinned out and grown soooo much! And pretty soon he is going to be a big brother. He will be such a good big brother. He follows me around during the day talking to his baby sister and showing her things. He tells her that he is going to help change her diaper and teach her how to do this and that. He also shows her tricks and gets really mad when I don't turn my belly in that direction so that she can "see."
I just love my little boy, and I'm so happy to be giving him a sibling to play with.
He truly is adorable and it has been fun watching him grow. I remember his first day in nursery, he was just a little toddler that was barely talking. Now he is a confident little boy with lots of words. He is going to make such a wonderful brother!!
Wow! He sure has grown! That's so cute that he's already so excited to be a big brother. I'm sure he'll be a great helper! :)
He is getting big! My family said that they had tons of fun with you guys over the holiday. I'm glad you spent it with them. Wish I could have been there with you guys!
I don't like when kids do that, there are so many stages that I like and wish would stick around for a little longer, but its also fun to see the progression in their minds and personalities. He's too cute. btw I stumbled on the "203rd ward campout" advertisement dvd that you and Travis made, it was a good laugh :) Thanks
Becca's husband is finishing up pharmacy school so they are moving to Reno to do rotations. They will only be there for 10-12 months, but aren't sure where they'll end up after that.
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