-January: tons and tons of traveling, interviewing and shmoozing with lots of people we don't know to try to impress them.
-Feb. or March we find out where we will be going for Residency.
-April: baby number 3. A girl. No name yet.
-May: Travis officially graduates from medical school and can be referred to as "Dr. Moulton" by all his friends and family...and patients. Find a new place to live and start packing.
-June: Move away.
-July: Start residency. (Yay! A real pay check!) Ashley's 10 year class reunion. Hopefully she can make it. Can you believe it? 10 years?
-August/September: Russell starts Kindergarten, finally. I swear the kid has been 5 for three years.
Hopefully life will slow down after that...oh wait...then the holidays come again. This will be a busy year!

So Russell lost his first tooth a week or so ago. Yes, he is only 4. But he got his teeth really early, so I guess he is losing them early too. This is his natural concentrating posture, tongue hanging out and all. He is drawing a picture of his lost tooth. He hasn't added all the blood yet. Don't worry. He does later.

There it is. Daddy pulled it out because Mommy told Russ that if he didn't get it out soon he would probably accidentally swallow it in the middle of the night. (Russell didn't like that!)
I know that these pictures are all backwards, but it takes too much time and energy to switch them around. We had our annual Ward New Year's party at Aunt Wendy's house.
Logan and Travis breaking it down.

Isn't my husband so cute?
I actually danced too, and afterward I started to yell, "My baby! I'm having my baby!" But no one believed me. I'll will say that booty shaking is a lot more difficult with a big old prego belly.
My neice, Ellie, reminds me of me when I was a kid. Love her.

My dear brother, Logan, with his amazing wife, Lexy.

This could have been a really poignant picture...sigh...

The funniest thing ever at our big New Year's bash: watching Darin beat Amy at the dance game.
Christmas was spent half at the Moulton's and half at the Ward's. Those are the benefits of being a forever student. We still get really long Christmas breaks. Probably never again.

Gramma B. doesn't always let us take pictures of her. This is a keeper.

Amity reading her new "Potty" book and hopefully soaking in every wise word.

Amity wearing her beloved BYU jersey. (She asks to wear this a lot!) And this is a normal hair day for her after pulling out the pigtails that I so painstakingly put in her hair.
Wow!!! Busy December and an even busier 2012!!! The pictures you took are perfect. Especially the one with Grandma B in it. The picture of you and Elly make you both look like twins!
Love the lost tooth story. Russ is getting so BIG! And so is Amity. She is becoming a little Ashley. Thank you so much for sharing these on your blog.
Best wishes and we cannot wait to see you!.
Bob/Dad/ and Grandpa M
Jolene/Mom/and Grandma M
Wow, you guys are going to have a busy winter and spring! I wish we could get together in those busy months to see each other before we move away! Good luck and hope the best for interviews. I miss your little Russell and Amity, they are darling kids. I like the name Penny for your girl. Jolene said you thought of that name. It sounds cute.
what a fun and busy year ahead! soooooo exciting!!!!
much love!!!!
How fun! You make me want to post... Hope you guys move wherever we live!
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