There was a perfect little room down in the basement. (That is part of the reason we went with this house instead of getting a smaller apartment.
I've named it Pumpkin Patch Preschool. If you can't guess, it's because I love fall, pumpkins, Halloween and all of that sooooo much that I decided I wanted to think about it all year.
I have really missed teaching since I've started staying home, and this gives me the perfect little fix. It is only twice a week for 2 1/2 hours, and gives me just the right creative outlet. Plus it brings in a little extra money each month.

I know it's not super fancy or anything. But I think it is pretty good since I'm just starting out. It takes time to build up your stuff and get things just how you want them. This is my little reading corner. And I use those clothespins to hang up pictures. I had these chairs in my classroom when I taught second grade.

Here is my table (Thanks, Cuz!!). And you can also see my word wall.

Centers. Games. Art supplies.

And here we have circle time. Travis made the white board. And yes, I made the lovely curtains. The chair I got at D.I. for $2. I spraypainted it and made it nice again. It was pretty beat up.
Anyway, so now you know what I have been up to. It takes some time to write lesson plans and make all the materials. Next year it won't be nearly as stressful because I can use my stuff from the previous year.
I am so glad that I had the guts to do the preschool. I almost didn't do it just because I was scared. I wanted to, but it is scary putting yourself out there and advertising and all that. But I talked to a lot of other ladies that were doing it, many of them without a teaching degree or anything, and I thought, "Why couldn't I do that if they can. That's what I got my degree in, right?" Anyway. It took some courage, and I had to go into it with the attitude that I might fail, but that I would at least learn something in the process that would make me a more competant person.

Awesome craigslist finds. The bed frame and the bedding. Russ loves them!!

Daddy's static electricity experiment.

It was so fun! It cost about seven dollars for all three. Get the material at Home Depot.

Amity has two teeth. They are so cute.

Kay, so these pictures are way out of order. Oh well, I'm not switching them around. It takes too long.

My new pet spider. Trav made the web on our front porch. We want to make the trick-or-treaters squeal!!!

Amity has been standing up and walking around household items for about two months now. She should be walking fairly soon.
Hilarious helmet on Amity, freaky huge spider, and so cool that you are teaching preschool! Sounds fun...a little crazy, but fun. :)
How fun that you're teaching! Sometimes I miss teaching. We've been doing a cooperative preschool. That got me thinking about actually teaching preschool in my home, too. Well, that only lasted the first day. ha ha! Do you have many students? I bet you're great.
Hi Ash, I have a preschool book I am using for Sydia that has awesome ideas and books that go with the lessons. It's perfect for us. If you are interested, let me know. I found it on Amazon and it was super cheap. Great post and good luck with your preschool.
well done!!!! you have been a busy girl! good on you hun!
the kids are gorgeous as ever, and i am stoked to see your awesome halloween decorations!
miss u !!!!
Ashley--your kiddos are so cute! Oh how I wish we were living close to you! I'd love to send my girls off to your school. (German dreams of living in Washington someday, too!) I have been telling myself I should spend an hour a day having "school" here at home. You've inspired me to get started and I'd love to hear your ideas. Have a great Halloween!
Cute preschool room! You did a great job on it! If we were closer I'd send Kenadi and Emma to you... ha ha ha!
Miss you~
Ash! Your preschool room looks wonderful!!!! JJ and I are seriously impressed! Hey, I AM close to you now! When do you do the preschool?
Your preschool looks pumpkintastic. How fun it would be to be a child attending with such a fun teacher....And NO I am not prejudice!
Looks like the Moulton's in Blackfoot or Groveland are all ready for Halloween! What a scarey spider. How fun to have such a spooktacular yard & house to decorate. HAPPY HAUNTING!!!!
The pictures of Russell and Amity are wonderful also. They are getting so big. Thanks so much for sharing.
Lots of love,
The Moultons in Lander
Awesome! you will be so great at the preschool they are lucky to have you, I know my girls were, CC is in second grade now. It seems like yesterday Kenna and Erika were.
Cute halloween ideas, THanks!
haven't checked your blog out recently as nothing had changed! so glad that it has...I was confused there for awhile I thought that you were doing the pre-school then heard you were going to teach in Pocatello so wasn't sure what you were doing.. glad it's the pre-school it looks so neat and the outside decorations are great... enjoy your time there maybe next time we are in the area will be able to see you guys miss you.
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