Saturday, August 29, 2009


I don't normally like to brag, but in this case...I just have to. I undertook a VERY difficult sewing project for my sweetheart, Travis. I had to make him a costume so that he can wear it as he dives into a swimming pool for a scholarship contest. This is what I have been slaving over for the last week...

Ta Da!!! Yes, my friends. Travis is a leprechaun. And doesn't he make a great one with that red hair and beard? By the way, those are real buttons with real button holes made by my trusty new sewing machine that I got for Christmas. (I love my machine!)

Here is a nice view from the back. How do you like the puffed sleeves?

Nice stiff, high collar, wouldn't you say?

Sweet little knickers, eh? With an old fashioned flap fly. I know...I'm amazing...

Enjoying the coat tails? I thought you would.
Mom, I hope you are proud, cuz this was HARD, and I had NO HELP! (Except for Travis, but he doesn't know how to sew at all.)

And for the most recent Russell news...

HOORAY FOR UNDERPANTS!!!!!! Russell is almost potty trained! He only wears diapers while he is sleeping. He has the #1 thing down very well. #2 we are still working on.

What does Russell do with his time?
And This.
And this! Russ spends nearly all of his time playing with his cars, moving them from place to place in the house, and setting them up in meticulously planned little arrangements. He takes them outside, in the dirt, in his closet, and everywhere you could imagine. He also talks to them, makes up little stories and scenarios, sings to them, makes them talk to each other, and of course, makes car noises.
Russ has been saying the cutest things as he has learned to communicate more and more. Just yesterday we told him that we were going to a BBQ, and about an hour later he said, "We going to the barbecue sauce yet?" We love our little pumpking and are so excited to have another one to join the fun!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I'm 4 months pregnant. Sorry about the no face thing, but it's hard to get a full body shot when you have to hold the camera yourself, and you don' t know how to work the timer. We do not know what it is yet, but feel free to vote for what you think on our poll. We should find out in early September. My due date is January 26th.

What we have been up to...

This is in Yelm, WA with my Aunt Marianne. We had so much fun visiting. Woo! Hoo! Look at us ride!

This is Russell taking Kennadi on a ride! Do you see how his lips are puckered? Motorcycle noises.

I'm learning how to fly fish!! I caught about 16 that weekend!!!

Russell took swimming lessons. What a little fish!!

He can jump!! Oh, yes, can he jump!

And he makes a nice splash. He also holds his breath and opens his eyes under water, paddles and kicks, and dives for toys!

Whenever I let Russell play with playdough, he has me make a motorcycle and a "guy" to ride on it. But this time, he made me make a girl to ride behind the guy. He's got those manly instincts, I'm tellin' ya. He knows that it just makes sense for a manly guy to have a hot chick on the back of his motorcycle.
We just got back from a very LOOONG but fun trip. We first went to Idaho to spend time with my family. We went camping too. This is Russell taking a dip in Ice House Creek. I'll let you wonder how it got its name.
Russell spent most of his time in camp "driving" the four-wheelers, or atleast pretending to. What a little BOY!
Then we went to Wyoming and spent time with the Moultons. We also got to go to Yellowstone. Here is a nice buffalo for your viewing pleasure. (Actually bison.)
Elk. We saw lots and lots of elk.
The fam hanging out.
A very cool geiser. It erupts every 8 or 12 hours or something, and we just made it!
Anyway. We had fun. We are home now. Whew, what a trip. Travis is in year 2 of med school. Wish him luck!!