See this little surf ride? Looks fun, doesn't it. Yes. It is fun. But there are some risks that you should know about before you attempt to surf on one of these. No, that girl is not me. But I was just like her today at the water park. Surfing away and having a blast...until disaster struck....
After falling off my surfboard I flipped over on my back with my feet pointing up the hill. Big mistake. The water shot up the back of my swim suit bottoms! I ended up kneeling at the top of the surfing simulator with my pants halfway down my rear! The worst part was that there was a rather large audience of people watching me surf, including many strangers and several of Travis's medical school chums, and I mooned them all! When I finally got my pants all the way up (a full five seconds later), I apologized to the entire crowd amongst their laughter and at least one video camera that hopefully didn't catch the incident.
The only other person that I know of that had such a wardrobe malfunction on the surfing simulator was a chunky little 8 year old boy. But that little boy and I had a lot in common as we were shrouded in humiliation and shame for the rest of the day at the water park.
That story was AWESOME! It couldn't have happened to a more deserving girl! :) :)
Hey Ashley. This is Shauna. Just thought I would say hi to you since I do look at your blog. That is such a funny story! I was seriously laughing out loud. I am glad it happened to you and not me though cause you can laugh it off... I would of cried and probably hid for the rest of the day. And that is a great fish your hubby caught!!!!!
I am illegally checking blogs at work and am having a really hard time not laughing as I am scanning people's gym cards in...I have gotten a few weird looks already but HAHAHAHA!!!! SO FUNNY! Nick will be laughing so hard when he hears about this! I do feel bad you endured that but oh my goodness Ashley...
glad I checked in today!! funny story thanks for sharing something that you really didn't need to do!!
too funny ashley! We did one of those surf rider things recently during a family reunion and I've never seen so many butts before (and showed mine off I'm sure!) They're so fun!
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