Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A Super-Sewing Scheme, a Mighty Moulton Miracle, an Enormously Necessary Nerd-Alert, and a Perilous Potty Plot

A Super Sewing Scheme

So, my super sewing scheme was sewing my sweet son a super-hero cape!! I'm not done yet. I still have to design and sew on his one-of-a-kind super-hero logo. My very first project with my spectacular new sewing machine that I got for Christmas. Thanks to all of you who donated to the sewing machine cause!! I'm so excited because I bought a new pair of pants, and I can actually hem them myself now!!!

A Mighty Moulton Miracle

No, no. Your eyes do not deceive you. My husband truly is the mighty 2nd ward pinewood derby champion. Travis and his shark car, Sherman, went undefeated. The miracle part is that Travis and I both had our doubts that Sherman was up to the competition, but he proved us wrong!


It was a blood bath people!!

An Enormously Necessary Nerd-Alert

Help!! My house has been invaded by knicker-wearing nerds!!! Look how high they wear their pants!! This is an emergency!!!

This was their horrific Nerd boogie!
A Perilous Potty Plot

I'm not sure what it is yet, but I can tell by that evil gleam in his eye that he is Perilous Potty Plotting!!


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh!!!! The cape is so cool!!! Good Job Ashley. Go mighty Russell! I am so glad that you have your sewing machine and that you are using it. Next challenge is to sew a shirt for Russell???? Take care, Jolene, Hayley & Bob

Anonymous said...

Your car is so awesome!!! What a cool design. Congratulations on your win...
What did the other cars look like?
Just remember, when Russ turns 8, it is His turn to plan, design, and make his car. You only get to give supporting help.

Mom, Dad, & Hayley

Kathryn Lichfield said...

Love it Ash!!! Russell's face on the pot is classic!

Sister Savanah Jo Ward said...

Kadyn made a shark car for one of his derby cars! Wait, it looked alot like that one. HMmmmmm.....

Ya know Russell is gonna hate you for that last picture later in life, right?

yettie/jessie said...

i love the nerd dancing that makes me laugh and tell travis congrates for us and his champion car very cool

Emily Empey said...

hahaah You crack me up!! Those are fun pictures!!!

snowball said...

very well done!!! both the cape and the car
loved the pictures Ashley
aunt Sheila

Lanier Household Creations said...

Your cape turned out so cute!!! Love it! I can't wait to get Landon on the potty!!!