So...Russell is talking more and more and more and more. He speaks in quite complicated sentences. The other day he said, "Let's read the book about choo-choo trains." Today he listened very carefully to me as I commented about his dirty diaper. His new sentence for the day is, "I have diarrhea!" He walked around saying that for quite some time. Silly guy.
Russell and Daddy built a big road!! Russell said, "I did it!!"

Grandma and Grandpa Ward came to visit. Can you tell that Russell is sad to see them go? Oh, and Dad tried to get Russell to become a Bronco fan instead of a Cougar fan. Although we do like the's not going to happen, Dad!! Go Cougs!!
Just swinging at the park on one of our nicer days!!
Love ya'll!!
He's getting so big. I can't believe he's talking to. Hope we can see you sometime soon, with some random trip to Utah!
Wow!! Russell looks so big. We miss all of you guys. Ashley you better think of some alternative sayings to detour Russell from some of the thinkgs he says....either that or get use to the possibility of embarrassment (sp) at times. Thanks for keeping up with your blog. It helps us to know what is happening in your life and lives. Love ya
Bob, Jolene & Hayley
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