Russell and Daddy rough-housing. There is a lot of rough-housing in our family. Lots of people (and their glasses) get hurt!
K- so this is Russ and me waiting in line at P.F. Changs. We had to wait for an hour and a half!!! But we had a gift card that we needed to use up, so we decided to wait anyway. Russ was a trooper. The best part was this: One of the hosts overheard me talking to another guest about how it was my first time eating there and that we did not realize that we should make reservations. I said that I wasn't sure that the food would be worth all the hassle. So while we were eating, the host came up to us and apologized and bought us free dessert! And boy was it a yummy dessert! Fried bananas with coconut ice cream and caramel!!! YUMMMMM! This place is delicious and has a fun atmosphere. Try it, but don't forget to make reservations!!

This was Russell when we were 20 minutes outside of Boise. He was done traveling!!! He screamed the rest of the way there!

These are soooo fun. We made these at Beau and Rachel's. It is something that they do as a family every year, and I think we will make it a tradition too. These are gourd people. You make them out of hot glue, gourds, and whatever other objects you find around the house. If you can't tell, the one on the left is Travis. He has a Stethascope. And of course that pear-shaped beauty on the right is me!!!

Okay, so this is a random picture of a wreath that I bought for 5 dollars at a second hand store. What a deal! It looks so great on our front door. I knew that I was holding out at all those craft stores for a good reason.
Love y'all!!
What a cute wreath for only $5...what a deal. Good job! Glad you guys could get away for a few days.
Ashley you are so funny - I miss you!!!
Loving the pics...of the screaming-back-seat-child (anyone who has kids can relate...and I love that you documented it!), and the pear-shaped gourd - those are hilarious!
So congrats on med school in Yakima!!! That is awesome - I bet you guys are so excited to be there. I can't believe you get to see the Lichfields - tell them hi from us! If they have a blog let me know. We're not that far from you guys...maybe we could stop by sometime on our way to visit fam in Spokane.
So good to be back in touch! :)
Sweet gourd people! Haha! We miss you guys!
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