We carved pumpkins!! Sorry, we did not get any good pictures of them yet. Russ thought the seeds were kind of gross. He kept trying to wipe off his hands.

For some reason, Russell would not eat his turkey and vegetables this day unless they had whipped cream on them! STINKER!! (I usually would have said no to this, but I was being a softie.)

Well, I turned 25 on the 22nd. It was very depressing. I feel very old like I'm going to croak any minute. I asked for pumpkin pie instead of a cake.

My wonderful husband, Travis, got me some awesome presents. This new duvet cover, and these cool Puma shoes. Love 'em!! And these pictures are presented to you by my inlaws who got me this new camera!! Thanks Moulton Fam!!

We went to our ward Halloween party on the 26th. It was so much fun. I went as a deranged plumber, Travis went as a deranged redneck, and Russ went as a pumpkin. Here we are! What a special little family. The ward sure is glad we moved in!!
I know. Creepy, huh? People in our ward hardly recognized us. The whole thing kinda freaked Russell out. Someone in our ward dressed up as Sarah Palin, so I went up to her, shook her hand, and said, "Hi, I'm Joe the plumber." (Of course I said this in a really creepy voice and stuck my teeth out.) She said, "Nice to finally meet you, Joe." So I said, "Ya, know. My taxes are so high I can't afford dental insurance and look what happened to my teeth. You'd better get to work." It was great fun.
Russ hit the mother load at the trunker-treat!!