This is my freezer. All that on the right is frozen fruit goods that will last us for a year...hopefully. When people try my fruit cocktail, they always beg for more, so it might not last that long.

This is my "little baker" in his new apron helping me peel apples to dry them in a dehydrator I borrowed. What a cutie!

Russ and I having fun. I am the least photogenic person I know. Here is a sample of that with my flaring nostrils.

And this is a beautiful double-crusted peach pie that I baked all by myself!! I was so proud because the crust turned out just wonderfully.
I am super impressed with your domesticness! (Is that a word?) And I am so jealous of the fruit you will be enjoying all winter long!! Russell is so big! I can't even believe how grown up he is. That is so cute that he helps you in the kitchen. Lexie is still just at the stage where she tears my kitchen apart. That's not so helpful.
Hey Ashley! I'm so glad you found my blog. It's so good to see how you guys are doing. I like your new place. Nice step up from Provo apartment living, huh?!? Keep in touch!
Hi Mrs. Moulton
It's Erika how are you?
I love your post about Russell in the bath! That was funny! :)
Love your comment about Sara I agree. You are amazing in the rock cllimbing pictures! I would be scared!
Holy Cow Ashley!!! I had no idea you had become this domestic. Way to go!! I didn't know you had taken up rock climbing either. I am very impressed. It sure is fun to see what you are up to.
Wow girl! You've been busy! I miss fruit cocktail! Will you send me some?! J/K! Miss ya guys!!!
Whoa, you domestic one.... who knew! Just kidding, but I am proud of you! That's wonderful that you are taking advantage of the produce there, and that PIE! I can never make my crusts look so good. I've had many people show me too, but it's just not a talent of mine. Good job.
YUMMMY! Russell looks like he's a great helper....so cute! I can't wait until these girls start helping me and pulling there own weight around here!!!! ;)
Can I have some of your fruit cocktail and a slice of that peach pie pppleeeeeeease!
Oh and bytheway...I am way less photogenic than you are! That's why I never really put pics of myself on our blog. You look great!
You are now a WOMAN! Congratulations...I have not reached this high level of femininity yet because I have yet to gain a desire to can fruit and sew. Someday hopefully...
Hey Ashley!
Kathryn sent me the link to her blog and I saw the link to yours! Cool!! Hey that was fun today! We'll see you tomorrow!!
By the way, I witnessed the fruit cocktail making... It was quite the feat!!!
Wow Ash! I didnt know you had it in you! Canning is fun stuff. Love ya!
wow Ashley pie looked yummy will know what to have you do this next time we are all together!!! Do you freeze your fruit cocktail? You all are looking great. Oh Grandma says she is thinking about coming with Bob and Jolene!!
Love Aunt Sheila
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