So since I live in the land of fruit, I've busied myself with canning and freezing all that I can. I have canned peaches, made frozen fruit cocktail, frozen bags of apple and peach pie filling, and dried apples! I know. I know. You are all amazed. Here are the fruits of my labor.
This is my freezer. All that on the right is frozen fruit goods that will last us for a year...hopefully. When people try my fruit cocktail, they always beg for more, so it might not last that long.
This is my "little baker" in his new apron helping me peel apples to dry them in a dehydrator I borrowed. What a cutie!
Russ and I having fun. I am the least photogenic person I know. Here is a sample of that with my flaring nostrils.
And this is a beautiful double-crusted peach pie that I baked all by myself!! I was so proud because the crust turned out just wonderfully.
5 years ago