Russell stuck his hand on the hot stove and burned it pretty badly. Well, he learned his lesson I guess. The little stinker. This picture doen't even show the other two fingers.

Amity was a cute little cow for Halloween.

Russell was a super-hero.

Mity is starting to balance without holding on to anything. She is getting ready to walk. What a sweetie!

Russell has been really into tricks lately. He can do a flip on the tramp and the other day he actually did an aerial type thing. We were pretty impressed. But he did fall on his head a couple of times, so we told him that trick might be a little too advanced for him yet.
Russell has been saying a lot of funny things lately. The other day when we were at the fabric store, I let him sit at the catalog table and talk to another little boy while I browsed. Well, right as I was walking by, I heard him say, "I don't have a mother or a sister." Well, that is just great. Amity and I had been disowned, and we were in the same room as him!! And then the boy asked if he had any brothers, and Russ of course answered, "Yeah. 26 of them." His imaginary brothers are really getting on my nerves lately.
Then later at my dad's house, my dad popped out with his beloved Boise State hat on and said, "Russ! Look at my awesome hat!! The Boise State Broncos!!" And Russell said, "Grandpa, you are OBSESSED with that hat." I didn't even know he knew that word. We really have to watch it because he listens to every word we say!
Ouch! Burns kill--I bet that hurt so badly! The last two stories crack me up. I love hearing what comes out of little 3-year-old mouths, though like you said it does make you realize what you say, huh?!
That is so funny! He says some cute things. I love laughing at some of the things Kenadi and Emma say. Anyways, cute kids! What were you and Travis for Halloween?
Oh, I just commented on your Fall Fun post.. Your family is growing up and looking so darn cute!!
We really miss you guys!!
pretty awesome burns there.. When Amy wasn't very old still having a bottle she got a burn on the one finger that she would suck on. She stopped sucking her finger..don't recommend it but that was the results
Love your pictures so cute and your kids are such cuties
Wow I can't believe how big and adorable your kids are!! So I was catching up...and you guys moved! Congrats I didn't realize you guys had graduated already!! Wow time flies :) Hope you are doing great and enjoying being closer to fam.
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