Monday, April 19, 2010

The Moulton Girls

Amity and I. She's mad.

Amity in her Easter dress. Isn't she so cute. And she thinks that we are so funny!

It is so easy to get this girl to smile.

And laugh.

We love our Little Mitters.


Saimi said...

She is a cutie!! Russell came and gave me a hug on sunday before I spoke. Love that kid!!

Go to my blog and read my post, Oh my Heck, did he really say that!

Shine said...

Holy smokes those Moulton girls are hotties! :) That dress is so cute!

Anonymous said...

She is one happy baby....Makes life so fun.

The dress is adorable.

Anonymous said...

What fun pictues! Cute dress! Amity looks really sweet in her Easter drsss.

Logan|Lexy said...

I LOVE HER! I can't wait to meet her. It's been ages. She needs to get to know her favorite aunty.

You made that Easter dress, didn't you? You probably did. You uber domestic.

I really hate the word uber. Logan says it all the time.

Miss you guys!

Sister Savanah Jo Ward said...

I need to hold that baby! And, Lexy, I'M the favorite, get it straight! Hurry home, all of you!

Sister Savanah Jo Ward said...

Did I mention there's another Travis Moulton in Blackfoot? He was mentioned in a news article the other day. Wierd...

snowball said...

What a doll!! think she is going to have lots of favorite aunts!!!
Travis may have to add R. to his signature just to keep them straight. love your blog