Okay...This summer has gone by in a blurr. It started off on May 31 when I had to say farewell to my beloved second graders. This was a hard time for me. Directly after school, I went home and helped Travis load a trailer with all of our stuff so that we could move back home with my mom and dad. Yay!! We lived with my parents for two months. Travis worked on the farm with my dad, and Russell enjoyed bonding with grandma and grandpa. I helped my mom "declutter" her house. (AKA forcing her to take trunk loads of stuff to the dump and D.I.) Then a couple of weeks ago, Travis power-hosed the cow manure out of my dad's trailer, and we packed up our stuff once again to move far far away to Washington for Travis to finish school. I had to say goodbye to my family, which was another very difficult thing for me to do. Now we are once again making our own way in this cold, cruel world. (sigh) Anyway, here are some pics from this summer so you can see how much fun we have had.
Russell wrestling with daddy. Yes, he is wearing an authentic vintage wrestling singlet that we found in my mom's basement.

Russell and Gramps eating Frosted Mini-Spooners. This was a daily bonding time for them. He won't eat them now that Grandpa isn't here to feed them to him. Russell learning to use a spoon.

Watching trucks go by with Grandma. Going down the slide. The water is too cold!

Watching trucks go by with Grandma. Going down the slide. The water is too cold!

Saying goodbye to grandpa and grandma Moulton. WE LOVE YOU!! Russ with Grandma and his new cuz, Annaleisha.
It's good to see your blog! I am happy that we can see pictures of you guys regularly. How are things going for you? I hope good. Our blog is natalieryanmoulton.blogspot.com if you want to add it to your blog list.
It's about freakin' time you guys started a blog! Yay! Now it will be easier to keep in touch! It would have been easier if ya guys just chose Vegas! As you can see I'm still bitter! J/K! I hope all is well! Check out my blog to see how big Landon is getting! Russell is growing up so quickly! I remember when he was a tiny baby!
I'm glad you decided to join us in this bloggin world... feels good to be part of the crowd, huh?! Cute pictures! How're you liking your new home? Being a stay-at-home mom?
Hi! Kenna and Erika will get a kick looking at this. Thanks for contacting me I will email you soon. 3rd grade is off to a great start. Your house looks great. Pretty roomy for 3!
Your blog is so fun!!!
It is neat to see how all of you have grown. Especially Russell. We enjoyed the short time that we were with you in Idaho Falls. Your parents make great hosts. Thank you for letting us help you pack.
We have been thinking and feel that your dad needs to send you one of his shirts so that you can wear it while you sit down to eat breakfast with Russell. OR you dad needs to get in front of a movie camera and act out that he is eating with Russell and visiting with them while they eat the frosted spooners (frosted shredded wheat).
Love ya
Don't forget to update your blog often!!!
Bob, Jolene, and Hayley
Hey guys
this was just fun to go through. Here I peered at Russell's little face and looked at yours to see who he most looked like to find the polling was closed!! Drat I was going to vote for but since its closed oh well!
will check in often love your house by the way!!!
love Aunt Sheila
Hey Ash I am glad to have a way to keep up with you guys. Your house looks nice and roomy. I feel bad I didn't get to see you more when you were here this summer. Hope all is going well. Are you enjoying being a stay at home mom? Anyway, good for you to have a blog. I'm way too lazy.
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