Here are some fun pictures of Thanksgiving and visiting Grandpa and Grandma Moulton for Christmas. For some reason I don't have hardly any good pictures of Russ. His face is always turned or hidden.
Amity is 10 months here, and she took her first steps this month. She is almost 11 months now and isn't full blown walking yet, but definitely taking little baby steps between mom and dad. And she walks like a pro when you hold her hand. This is her with Grandpa Moulton.
This picture reminds me so much of one of Travis when he was a baby. I can see both of us in her, but certain facial expressions remind me of one or the other. This is more like Travis because my serious faces always had a nice deep scowl.
And here is one of the only pics we got of our little Russ. He's in his new church clothes that he got for Christmas. Thanks, Grandma M.!
Amity is an early talker. She has really surprised us by how early she is saying words, and we can really understand her. So far she has said:
-mommy, mama *
-daddy, dada*
-hi* (while waving)
-bye* (while waving)
-mmmmm (referring to food that she is eating)
-and I SWEAR she said banana
-and I SWEAR she said banana
The words with the stars she says all the time. She even puts bye and dada together and says bye dada! She said that to me the other day and I had to remind her that I am mama. It is so cute when she crawls all over the house looking for her daddy yelling his name as she goes. She is usually whining when she says mama because she is hungry or wants to be picked up. She hasn't said Russ yet, at least not that I could make out, but I think she is trying.

She is our little bundle of joy, such a people person, and so funny. Love you, Amity. What a fun holiday with our little sweeties.
She is our little bundle of joy, such a people person, and so funny. Love you, Amity. What a fun holiday with our little sweeties.