33 weeks and counting! Baby will be here soon!!! I can't wait! I am so ready to be a normal person again...ya know...sleeping on my stomach, tying my own shoes, bending over with ease, being able to go out for a run instead of a waddle. Oh', and this is NOT the same picture as in the last post. I'm just wearing the same shirt because we are poor college students who can't afford much clothing, and I'm just gonna get skinny again in a couple of months, so why spend more money?

It snowed!!! It only stayed for a few hours, but it was fun anyway. I really miss the snow. This place doesn't get much. Also...notice that Travis looks like a hairy bushman. He just shaved and got a haircut, and we got so much commentary at church. It was pretty funny. He was growing out his beard for Halloween but then let it grow out longer for a school thing.

Happy Birthday, Travis!!!! We love you! Doesn't that Butterfinger cheesecake I made look delicious? It was...oh, yes...it was.

Russell knocked Grandpa Moulton off the table, and he was beheaded. Sorry, Gramps!

Russell's latest tricks.

He thinks that he is sooooo cool and daring these days!
Anyhoo...Travis studies a lot, and I sit around and obsess about our nations recent politics. I am VERY concerned with the direction that our nation is heading, but...that's a whole new post. I have also been busy sewing things for our baby girl, and Travis is making a beautiful bassinet. I will take some pics and post them soon.