Here are some pics to let you all know what we have been up to.

This is Russell's new girlfriend, Zora. He is such a fast mover! His ex just moved away to California a few weeks ago!! Okay...okay...this was at the bowling alley with some friends last weekend. We all had a lot of fun. It's been a while since we have gotten out to do something. There is not much to do here in the winter. They don't even have mini-golf in this city!

Russell and his friend Grant have been taking gymnastics together. Russ loves it! In the morning before we leave he runs around saying, "Gymnastics! Gymnastics! I wan go gymnastics!"

Here he is jumping through some hoops. (Or maybe he is just sort of galloping through them.)

Hanging on the bar. All of his shirts are becoming belly shirts lately.

Climbing. Just prepping him for the rocks in a few years.

Russell has also been learning to put on his own clothes. On this day he begged me to put his shoes on over his pj's and then he put his own jacket on (as you can see). He walked around like this for most of the morning while he played cars. He even had the hood on. The other day Travis and I caught him trying to put on his own pajama pants after his bath, and we let him keep going. It took him a while, but he got them on all by himself!

Just before I took this picture, Russell said to me, "I sit in the boat wiff hat on." Don't you love his new pj's? I thought they were sooo cute. Monkeys playing basketball. He cried the other day when I made him wear his other ones.
Russell is also learning his ABC's. He is getting better everyday. He can also identify the letter A and B if you show him a group of letters. What a smartie pants, huh?!
Oh, and Travis and I are fine except that I have been very stressed about the direction the world is heading these days. I am very worried about today's youth, the break-down of the family, abortion, gay marriage, government spending...I need to stop watching the news. I really get into this stuff and it is STRESSFUL!
Travis is VERY busy now. He is in med school taking like thirty something credits. He is in the student council and is in charge of intramurels. He is on the ward basketball team. He is the eleven-year-old's scout leader, and he just got a new calling...Elders Quorum something counselor. (I can't remember which counselor.) He is soooo busy!
Oh, and I got a new calling to add on top of my old one (primary pianist). But I can't tell you what it is yet because it isn't official. You will have to wait and see, but it's a good one! And I'm gonna like it I think.